Conference Programme

Friday Programme

08:00-09:00 Registration
09:00-09:15 Welcome
09:15-10:00 The New Diving Regulations - What's new and how does it affect DMP's - Dr Jack Meintjes
10:00-10:30 Q & A
10:30-10:45 Tea
10:45-11:00 Advances In Decompression Stress Physiological Markers - Europe Team
11:00-11:15  Q & A
11:15-12:00 Real-Time Diver Monitoring & Bidirectional Wireless Communication - Europe Team
12:00-12:15 Q & A
12:15-12:50 Case-Studies: Fitness To Dive - Dr Jonathan Rosenthal
12:50-13:00 Q & A
13:00-13:30 Lunch Break
13:30-14:15 Advances In Closed-Circuit Rebreather (CCR) Diving Safety - Europe Team
14:15-14:30 Q & A
14:30-15:15 Update On Diabetes & Diving - Dr Jonathan Rosenthal
15:15-15:30 Q & A
15:30-16:00 Case-Studies: Fitness To Dive - Dr Jack Meintjes

Saturday Programme

08:00-08:45 The Influence Of Multi-Day Diving On Decompression Sickness risk - Dr Jan Risberg
08:45-09:00 Q & A
09:00-09:45 Advances In Pulmonary Oxygen Toxicity Relevant For Surface-Oriented Diving - Dr Jan Risberg
09:45-10:00 Q & A
10:00-10:15 Break
10:15-11:00 Mental Health In The Workplace & Screening For Common Mental Health Issues - Dr Charles van Wijk
11:00-11:15 Q & A
11:15-12:00 Intensive Care and Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy - Prof Jacek Kot
12:00-12:15 Q & A
12:15-13:00 Emergency Procedures In Saturation Diving: Practical Considerations - Dr Phil Bryson
13:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30-15:30 Medical Record-Keeping: Implications For Diving Medical Practice - Dr Jan Lapere
15:30-16:00 Q & A

Sunday Programme

08:00-08:45 Experiences In Opening A New HBO Centre: Clinical Cases & Some Practicalities - Dr Eddelene Bouwer
08:45-09:00 Q & A
09:00-09:45 HBOT for Avascular Necrosis of the hip - Dr Gregory Weir
09:45-10:00 Q & A
10:00-10:30 Break
10:30-11:15 HBOT For Long COVID-19: Case Presentation & Literature Review - Dr Eddelene Bouwer
11:15-11:30 Q & A
11:30-12:30 Developing a Medical Surveillance Programme for Divers - Dr Jack Meintjes
12:30-12:45 Q & A
12:45-13:00 Case-Study
13:00-13:30 LunchBreak
13:30-13:45 AGM: President's Report - Dr Frans Cronje
13:45-14:00 AGM: Treasurer's Report - Francois Burman
14:00-14:30 President Elect: My View Of SAUHMA In The Future - Dr Cleeve Robertson
14:30-14:45 Discussion Forum
14:45-15:15 Election of new officers
15:15-15:30 Programme Closure